Over the past two weeks, we have received numerous inquiries from financial institutions on what actions should be taken or considered to address the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. While every bank is different and the current situation is evolving each day, we have engaged in numerous discussions with banks on various strategies and considerations that are being reviewed or implemented during this uncertain time.
Continue Reading Coronavirus Update: Strategies and Considerations for Financial Institutions
Repost: Illinois General Assembly Passes Bill to Require Annual Reporting of Board Diversity
Posted in Regulatory, Uncategorized
This below article was originally posted on Vedder Thinking on June 4, 2019.
On Saturday, June 1, 2019, The Illinois General Assembly passed a bill (the “Diversity Disclosure Bill”) requiring most publicly held companies organized or headquartered in Illinois to include detailed demographic diversity information in their annual reports. Bill intended to provide data to…